”Who I am is a tough question because not only do I try my hardest not to apply labels, its something I couldn't do if I tried.”
This was the first thing he told me. Alex Malicki Casas is studying philosophy at Concordia University in Canada and would like to get into film once he has completed his undergrad. Today we find him on the interwebs, more exactly on Soundcloud under the name Solar Apex, where he fill us with the pleasant feeling of harmony.
Should I call you Alex or Solar Apex? Tell me about a typical day walking in your shoes.
Call me Solar Apex. I'd rather be enigmatic like that. A typical day walking in my shoes starts at about 6-7 am, I am naturally an early riser. Right now my days consist of repetitive number punching as a "pricing coordinator" at a cement company (exciting, i know) but in my spare time i like to draw, write or make music if the weather is bad, go biking in the forest if it's nice out. Right now im still not legal to drink in Ontario so my night life is non existent. I'll be 19 in less than a week though.
Why did you start making music? Tell me about your goals.
I started making music out of curiosity. I played piano and violin so i was already involved but wanted to try composing my own. As I already had GarageBand on my computer I would experiment and eventually i started making my own stuff. My goals are pretty obscure even to me... I make music simply because I enjoy it. It's a satisfying activity and a wonderful way to express oneself when you can't put it in words. Also, if my music can evoke a deep emotional response I am fulfilled. My favourite songs are the ones that make me want to dance and cry simultaneously.
Is there one of your songs that you keep extra close to your heart?
If i had to pick one song I hold dearest it would definitely be Umbra. It's a really simple song though the chords are my absolute favourite. I started writing it in an attempt to mimic the melody of my favourite song, See You Inside by Sail A Whale, but as I wrote it the tune became more intricate until it was completely alien from the original intent. I was experimenting with it and ended up playing a background harmony from one of my earlier songs over top and it was like I had seen the light. Though most of my music loses its touch for me after a while, no matter how much i listen to Umbra it always profoundly affects me.
If you had to choose one word to describe your music, which word would that be?
Oooo thats tough. As I said, I have trouble labelling things. I feel like its a cop out but the one word I would use is eclectic. My music is extremely mismatched in my opinion; the beats are always dancey but often slowed beyond the point of dancing. On top of this my melodies tend to be bittersweet and soft to clash with the aggressive bass or drums. I really enjoy juxtaposition so I try to make things not fit together as much as possible. To come up with a genre is beyond my capabilities (but I would love to hear what someone might call my music).
I'm not only intrested in your music BUT also your great sense of style.
What inspires you?
Thank you! Describing my sense of style is just as futile. My inspirations and intentions are across the board, a list of my favourite designers would probably confuse more than enlighten, but as with my music I try to include as many oxymorons as possible. I really enjoy looking like a thug but there always has to be a gentle quality to it as well. To be honest, my problem is less with defining myself and more with how fickle I am. My definition of my style changes everyday because what I like changes everyday. My goal is basically to be as weird as possible while still looking good. If I could give any advice for style I would say it's always better to do something new and risk looking stupid then stick to what's already been done.
Any favorite designer, store or magazine?
My favourite designer (strangely enough) is Issey Miyake. I am so enthralled by japanese aesthetic and Miyake is a master at blending the past and future, making his pieces timeless to me. I wish I could afford his clothing! Though my style rarely if ever mimics his, i hope to one day be on that level. My favourite store is easy; Value Village. Thrifting is a great way to find new clothes without spending a lot and the things you will find will always be unique because you arent buying them mass produced. It is an acquired skill, though. It takes a trained eye to find the right things and an ability to work with what you can find. As far as magazines go, I really dont read them much. I love gap press but I tend to indulge in the images alone and have never actually purchased my own... The only magazine I subscribe to right now is a philosophy magazine from Australia…
So what does your stylish gang back in Canada look like?
I have too many gangs! Depending on whether i am in Montreal or Toronto my friends vary greatly. I have trouble describing them but they are all hoodrats and angels simultaneously!
And finally Alex, do you worship Satan?
As for Satan; he worships me. ☺
Check out Alex's work at
The Trip by Kim Fowley